
A Letter From Your Publisher - April 13th

By Kimberly Wright - Publisher of East Atlanta Macaroni Kid April 13, 2017

Hi Beautiful Souls!

What a great week this has been. I hope everyone is refreshed and ready to close out the school year with a bang! Can you believe the school year is almost over and there are less than six weeks left of school? Bring on the summer! I will have some up coming articles on how to assist your child with the transition to middle and high school, ways to keep learning over the summer and more.

As a cultural diverse publication I hope everyone who celebrates Passover had a very nice start to their celebration. Happy Easter to everyone who will be celebrating. Please submit pictures of your celebrations and I will gladly share them on the website.

I am seeking Guest Writers for East Atlanta Macaroni Kid to began as of Monday, May 1st. This is not a paid position however a great way to get involved with the community. Articles requested will be child and family oriented, at least 300 to 500 words in length and include a headshot as well as a brief bio. Please note this will not be a marketing, self promotion or soapbox opportunity so please kindly show interest if you sincerely want to contribute.  If you would like more details please email me at #MKGuestWriter

Remember we now have a birthday club and to submit your child’s information. Birthdays are always a big deal in our Macaroni World. We love them. I have such planned for the birthday I just need submissions so bring them on. #MKBirthdayClub

Please read the 15 Tips to Make the Most of East Atlanta Macaroni Kid. This article shares everything you need and want to know for to us (you and I along with the community) to be great together. #BeGreat #MKEastAtlanta

Great news! We have a Macaroni Kid Kid’s cookout in development and I want plenty of submission from East Atlanta Macaroni Kid. Make sure to get your kid involved so that they can have their own recipe published. Get more information here please.  #MKCookbook

Lastly, please continue to stay social with us on the website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We often share their in real time first and then via the newsletter and website. #MKStaySocial

Peace, Love & Macaroni,
