
How to Help The Transition To High School

By Kimberly Wright - Publisher & Editor of East Atlanta Macaroni Kid May 26, 2017

High School is a major transition no matter how you approach it. As a parent your job and challenges are never done so I will share a few tips make the transition go as smoothly as possible. Facing high school with your teenager and helping them have a smooth transition is just another step in the parenting journey. As their parent your child will be looking to you directly and indirectly for guidance on this transition whether consciously or unconsciously so prepare yourself. How can you get prepare? Here are six steps you can take to make the transition go smooth.

Research the school together and learn all you can about the academic programs, activities, scheduling, leadership opportunities and teachers for your child's grade level. Be very confident with any questions you and your child may have and get the answer(s) to each question. Always talk through any questions or concerns with your teenager and make sure they know to talk to you about anything and everything.

Once friendships are established get to know their friends and the parents of those friends. This is vital to knowing who they are around everyday and what type of influence they may be faced with both good and challenging. Summer presents many opportunities for this as well as establishing new friendships. Sign up summer programs at the school. See what volunteer programs may be available. Visit the school’s neighborhood. Find out where everyone is hanging out this summer.


Introduce yourself and your child to the administration and teachers in person and via email. Establish you are all teammates in the success of your teenager and they may reach out to you any time. Make sure your email outlines how you may be reached and your prefered method of communication.


Stay abreast of how your teenagers performance and what they may need assistance with. Make sure to keep the lines of communications open with your teenager as well as with the teachers. I suggest sending a monthly email to the teachers just to touch base. If you think monthly is too often then at least every six weeks. Just do not wait to the week grades are issued nor the week after. Be proactive versus reactive.


Do a walk through of the high school prior to the first day and attend orientation. This relieves so much anxiety of going to a new school. Often if you schedule time over the summer to register them they will allow you to visit and walk the halls with an escort.


Encourage them to get involved in an extracurricular activity. This is excellent for building relationships, confidence and resumes. There are all kinds of after school activities to be involved in from academic clubs to athletics to arts and more. Just encourage them to explore their options and you will be amazed at what they come up with on their own.


Help them create the perfect study schedule and environment for them. Everyone learns differently and you as well as your teenage know the perfect environment for them to  study. Assist them with blocking off enough study time as well as how to manage that study time. Again, help them create the perfect study schedule and environment for them.


Following these six tips will make the transition to high school flow smoothly. Best wishes to the high school years.