
How The Wright Family Enjoys Eggland’s Best Cage Free Eggs

Why Eggland’s Best are AMERICA’S #1 SHELL EGGS

By Kimberly Wright - Publisher & Editor of Decatur Macaroni Kid & East Atlanta Macaroni Kid July 23, 2018

Discovering Eggland’s Best Eggs a little over a year ago, I have tried just about every product they carry except the hard-boiled eggs.  I am fun of the classic egg, organic egg, liquid eggs, and liquid egg whites. I am sure the hard-boiled eggs are good however I like to cook my entire meal from beginning to end so this is how they got off my list although I am sure they are promising for the parent on the go.  Recently, I had two of my four sons over for breakfast with Mama Bear and we took full advantage of this rare occasion. All of my crew is grown and in their twenties or “grown and gone” as I affectionately say so this was truly special and rare.  As we shared love, laughter, and lessons the breakfast was perfectly imperfect and I loved every moment of it. 

For breakfast, we had Egg-land’s Best Cage Free large brown eggs, banana pancakes, and sliced fresh fruit. I went old school with this breakfast because I had just visited a local fresh produce market and had some goodies in the fruit department. The meal was quick, easy, and meat-free because I am on a simple and healthy kick these days.  I did not take a picture of the finished product because my “SONshines” were up to their usual brotherly shenanigans and ate it before I could get a finished product picture however trust and believe it was simple, healthy, and delicious.  Here are the things I just love about Eggland’s Best Cage Free Eggs in particular.

1.      They have a slightly distinctive taste which is refreshing. It assures you that not only are the eggs fresh but also filled with goodness.  The cage-free product comes from vegetarian fed hens.  This offers you eggs which are steroid free, no added hormones, and no animal products.

2.     They stay fresh longer because of the environment the hens are raised in. Farm fresh is what you are presented with because they are locally sourced and generally delivered from farm to store within seventy-two hours of being laid.  

3.     They provide an excellent source of vitamins D,B12, E, B2, and B5. If you Google each of these vitamins you will find this is a goldmine of vitamins especially the B12which a jackpot in my world. 

4.     The packaging is 100% recycled plus it ensures little to no egg breakage with a three-panel packaging system. You have got to see this packaging!

There are several great recipes on the website including this Crab Quiche which I plan to try next weekend. Then the Mini Chocolate Cheesecake Turkeys, Gingerbread Cutout Cookies with Peppermint Icing which will be made during the holidays. I even plan to work the Green Goodness Wake-Up into my weekly routine. Now, do you see why I enjoy Eggland's Best? Sure you do. 

Please visit their website an explore all the Eggland's Best products as well as get social with them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter