
Celebrate Georgia Arbor Day 2021

Trees Atlanta Celebrates with a Week of Events: February 15th – 21st, 2021

By Informational February 12, 2021

National Arbor Day is celebrated in April.  What you may not know is that each state celebrates Arbor Day from January to May depending on the regional season for planting trees.

Georgia celebrates its Arbor Day on the third Friday in February.

It is a day to reflect on the importance of trees in our state and across our nation. Scientific research is increasingly adding to the evidence that trees are essential to global environmental health. So go plant a tree, play outside, enjoy the beauty of trees, create art inspired by trees, or honor trees in any way that pleases you!

Each event requires registration or special instructions, sign up through the links below.

Volunteer Opportunity:
  • Friday, Saturday & Sunday, 2/19, 2/20 & 2/21Blooming Forest – Tree Tribute to Congressman John Lewis  Honoring a life-long legacy of public service, a living tree tribute is being created in memorial to the late Congressman John Lewis in Freedom Park. Hundreds of blooming plants, including over 300 blooming trees, colorful flowering shrubs, and fields of daffodils will be planted in the first phase of a multi-year project in partnership with Trees Atlanta, Freedom Park Conservancy, and The National Center for Civic and Human Rights. Register to volunteer.
  • Saturday, 2/20 – Volunteer Project: Plant Care in the BeltLine Arboretum (Eastside Trail).  In addition to the tree planting project at John Lewis Plaza, we have a fun volunteer opportunity on the Atlanta BeltLine Arboretum.

More events

  • Monday, 2/15 – Lunch and Learn: Celebrate Arbor Day  Review the impact of our tree plantings with our Director of Planting, Dave Simpson. Get to know our tree selection, including our 10 favorite trees and some transformational before and after photos of trees planted in the past.
  • Tuesday, 2/16 – Georgia Arbor Day Art & Essay Contest  This year’s theme is “Wildlife and Trees in the City”. Students are encouraged to use their creativity to interpret/show us what the theme means to them. (Flyer and contest guidelines in details, submissions being accepted now. Deadline 2/16)
  • Tuesday, 2/16Speaker Series: Tribute to John Lewis  We are excited to host a joint conversation with Calinda Lee, from The National Center for Civil and Human Rights, and Willette Jackson who is the lead coordinator of the Flowering Forest Tree Tribute to John Lewis.
  • Wednesday, 2/17Ask the Arborist   We excited to introduce a new interactive series with ISA-certified arborists. Register to submit questions for consideration, and the arborist will answer them live during this Ask the Arborist hour.  
  • Thursday & Friday, 2/18 & 2/19Seedling Giveaway  One of our favorite parts of celebrating Georgia Arbor Day is the Seedling Giveaway! Come by for a drive-in seedling giveaway on Thursday and Friday from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. View event to review species available. Seedlings are limited and will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Friday, 2/19 Georgia Arbor Day We’re announcing the winners of the Georgia Arbor Day Art & Essay Contest on our Instagram and Facebook page. Follow us to see how we’re protecting and improving Atlanta’s urban forest! We’d love to see your post of your favorite tree or a photo of you planting a tree. Tag us @treesatlanta #arborday.
  • Friday, 2/19 2021 Atlanta Champion Tree List release. View the new ranking of Atlanta’s most notable trees.
  • Saturday, 2/20Virtual Family Fun: Edible Compost in a Bag  What do worms, banana peels, and soil have in common? Dig in with us as we explore the fascinating world of compost.